Tuesday, April 28, 2009

With Michael's classes coming to and end and the weather warming up we love to be outside with each other and the kids. Everyday Brayden asks to go outside and play. Madison some how knows when it is time to go out and play. She will bring you her shoes and make noises like she is asking you to put her shoes on. Micheal is teaching Madison how to say many words. Our favorite is when she will say "Love you". She will actually say it now without being prompted, it is so darn cute!! I am so excited for the warmer weather and the kids being more independent, bring on the warm weather and the pool. It doesn't take near as long to get everyone ready to go outside, compared to last year. Bring on the Freedom baby!! Not much has changed, except for our beautiful kids getting bigger everyday. Like today i went outside and Brayden wanted to go but wasn't dress yet and the next thing i knew was he had shoes on and was outside with just his diaper on. He loves to be outside. But who doesn't in this nice weather?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


just thought i'd show off my daughter again! she's pretty much already got me wrapped around her finger with that smile.
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